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rustHow to communicate between threads in Rust?

Threads in Rust can communicate through channels. Channels are a type of synchronization primitive that allows one thread to send data to another thread.

use std::sync::mpsc;

let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel();

// Sending a message

// Receiving a message
let received = rx.recv().unwrap();
println!("Received {}", received);
// Output: Received 42
  1. use std::sync::mpsc;: imports the mpsc (multiple producer, single consumer) module from the standard library.
  2. let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel();: creates a new channel and returns a pair of sender (tx) and receiver (rx) endpoints.
  3. tx.send(42).unwrap();: sends the value 42 from the sender (tx) to the receiver (rx).
  4. let received = rx.recv().unwrap();: receives the value 42 from the receiver (rx).
  5. println!("Received {}", received);: prints the received value.

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