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rustHow to convert a Rust slice to a struct?

To convert a Rust slice to a struct, you can use the FromIterator trait. This trait allows you to create a struct from an iterator of elements. For example:

use std::iter::FromIterator;

struct MyStruct {
    field1: i32,
    field2: i32,

let slice = &[1, 2];
let my_struct = MyStruct::from_iter(slice);

println!("{:?}", my_struct);

Output example

MyStruct { field1: 1, field2: 2 }

Code explanation

  • use std::iter::FromIterator;: imports the FromIterator trait from the std::iter module.
  • struct MyStruct { field1: i32, field2: i32, }: defines a struct with two fields of type i32.
  • let slice = &[1, 2];: creates a slice containing two elements.
  • let my_struct = MyStruct::from_iter(slice);: creates a MyStruct instance from the slice using the FromIterator trait.
  • println!("{:?}", my_struct);: prints the MyStruct instance.

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