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rustHow to convert a slice to a hex string in Rust?

To convert a slice to a hex string in Rust, you can use the encode_hex method from the hex crate. This method takes a slice of bytes and returns a String containing the hexadecimal representation of the data.

use hex::encode_hex;

let data = [0x41, 0x42, 0x43];
let hex_string = encode_hex(&data);

println!("{}", hex_string);

Output example


The encode_hex method takes a slice of bytes and returns a String containing the hexadecimal representation of the data.

  • use hex::encode_hex: imports the encode_hex method from the hex crate.
  • let data = [0x41, 0x42, 0x43]: creates a slice of bytes containing the data to be converted.
  • let hex_string = encode_hex(&data): calls the encode_hex method, passing the data slice as an argument.
  • println!("{}", hex_string): prints the hex string to the console.

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