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rustHow to count number of lines in a string in Rust?

To count the number of lines in a string in Rust, you can use the lines() method of the str type. This method returns an iterator over the lines of the string. The following example code block shows how to use the lines() method to count the number of lines in a string:

let s = "This is a string
with multiple lines";

let line_count = s.lines().count();

println!("The string has {} lines", line_count);

The output of the example code is:

The string has 2 lines

The code works as follows:

  1. The let s = ... line creates a string variable s with the value This is a string\nwith multiple lines.
  2. The let line_count = s.lines().count() line calls the lines() method on the s string, which returns an iterator over the lines of the string. The count() method is then called on the iterator, which returns the number of lines in the string.
  3. The println!("The string has {} lines", line_count) line prints the number of lines in the string to the console.

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