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rustHow to create a daemon thread in Rust?

Creating a daemon thread in Rust is easy. All you need to do is to pass std::thread::Builder::spawn a std::thread::Builder object with .name and .spawn_daemon methods called on it.

use std::thread;

let builder = thread::Builder::new().name("daemon-thread".to_string()).spawn_daemon(|| {
    println!("I'm a daemon thread!");

Output example

I'm a daemon thread!

Code explanation

  • use std::thread;: imports the thread module from the std library.
  • thread::Builder::new(): creates a new thread::Builder object.
  • .name("daemon-thread".to_string()): sets the name of the thread to daemon-thread.
  • .spawn_daemon(|| { ... }): spawns a daemon thread with the given closure.

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