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rustHow to create a HashMap of pointers in Rust?

A HashMap of pointers in Rust can be created using the HashMap type from the std::collections module.

use std::collections::HashMap;

let mut map: HashMap<&str, *const i32> = HashMap::new();

let a = 10;
let b = 20;

map.insert("a", &a);
map.insert("b", &b);

The code above creates a HashMap with &str keys and *const i32 values. The &a and &b are references to the i32 variables a and b.

  • use std::collections::HashMap: imports the HashMap type from the std::collections module.
  • let mut map: HashMap<&str, *const i32> = HashMap::new();: creates a HashMap with &str keys and *const i32 values.
  • map.insert("a", &a);: inserts a key-value pair into the HashMap, with the key being "a" and the value being a pointer to the i32 variable a.
  • map.insert("b", &b);: inserts a key-value pair into the HashMap, with the key being "b" and the value being a pointer to the i32 variable b.

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