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rustHow to extend struct from another struct in Rust

Structs in Rust can be extended from another struct using the #[derive(PartialEq)] annotation. This allows the struct to inherit the fields and methods of the parent struct.


struct Parent {
    field1: i32,
    field2: i32,

struct Child {
    field3: i32,

impl Child : PartialEq {
    fn new(field1: i32, field2: i32, field3: i32) -> Child {
        Child {
            field1: field1,
            field2: field2,
            field3: field3,

let parent = Parent { field1: 1, field2: 2 };
let child = Child::new(1, 2, 3);

assert_eq!(parent, child);

Output example

assertion successful

Code explanation

  • #[derive(PartialEq)]: This annotation allows the struct to inherit the fields and methods of the parent struct.
  • impl Child : PartialEq: This line implements the PartialEq trait for the Child struct.
  • let parent = Parent { field1: 1, field2: 2 };: This line creates an instance of the Parent struct.
  • let child = Child::new(1, 2, 3);: This line creates an instance of the Child struct.
  • assert_eq!(parent, child);: This line compares the two structs and checks if they are equal.

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