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rustHow to display error in Rust

Rust provides a standard library module called std::error which provides a trait called Error that can be used to display errors. The Error trait provides a Display implementation which can be used to print errors.

Code example:

use std::error::Error;

fn main() {
    let err = "Error message";
    let err_obj = err.into();
    println!("{}", err_obj);


Error message


  1. The use std::error::Error statement imports the Error trait from the std::error module.

  2. The err variable is a string literal containing the error message.

  3. The err_obj variable is created by converting the err string literal into an Error object using the into() method.

  4. The println! macro is used to print the error message contained in the err_obj object.

Helpful links:

  1. Rust Documentation - std::error
  2. Rust Documentation - Error Trait

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