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rustHow to join file path in Rust

Joining file paths in Rust can be done using the join method from the std::path::Path module. This method takes two or more path components and joins them into a single path.

Code example:

use std::path::Path;

let path1 = Path::new("/home/user/Documents");
let path2 = Path::new("example.txt");
let joined_path = path1.join(path2);

Output /home/user/Documents/example.txt


  • use std::path::Path: This imports the Path module from the std::path module.
  • let path1 = Path::new("/home/user/Documents"): This creates a new Path object from the given string.
  • let path2 = Path::new("example.txt"): This creates a new Path object from the given string.
  • let joined_path = path1.join(path2): This joins the two Path objects into a single path.

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