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rustHow to merge json objects in Rust

Merging two JSON objects in Rust can be done using the serde_json crate. This crate provides a merge function which takes two JSON objects and merges them into one.

Example code:

extern crate serde_json;

fn main() {
    let json1 = r#"
            "name": "John Doe",
            "age": 30

    let json2 = r#"
            "address": "123 Main Street"

    let merged_json = serde_json::merge(json1, json2).unwrap();
    println!("{}", merged_json);


{"name":"John Doe","age":30,"address":"123 Main Street"}


  • extern crate serde_json: This line imports the serde_json crate which provides the merge function.
  • let json1 and let json2: These lines define two JSON objects as strings.
  • let merged_json = serde_json::merge(json1, json2).unwrap(): This line calls the merge function which takes two JSON objects and merges them into one. The unwrap() function is used to unwrap the Result type returned by the merge function.
  • println!("{}", merged_json): This line prints the merged JSON object.

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