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rustHow to use variables in string while formatting in Rust

Variables can be used in string formatting in Rust using the format! macro. The format! macro takes a format string as its first argument, followed by the variables to be used in the format string. The format string is a string literal that contains placeholders for the variables. The placeholders are written in curly braces {} and are replaced by the variables when the format! macro is called.

For example, the following code:

let name = "John";
let age = 30;

println!("{} is {} years old", name, age);

will ### Output

John is 30 years old

The code can be broken down as follows:

  1. Two variables, name and age, are declared and assigned values.
  2. The format! macro is called with the format string "{} is {} years old" as its first argument, followed by the variables name and age.
  3. The format! macro replaces the placeholders {} in the format string with the values of the variables name and age.
  4. The resulting string is printed to the console using the println! macro.

For more information, see the Rust documentation on string formatting and the Rust by Example guide on string formatting.

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