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rustNested closure example in Rust

A nested closure example in Rust is a closure that is defined within another closure. This allows for the inner closure to access variables from the outer closure. An example of a nested closure in Rust is shown below:

fn main() {
    let outer_var = 5;
    let closure = || {
        let inner_var = 10;
        println!("Outer var: {} Inner var: {}", outer_var, inner_var);

Output example

Outer var: 5 Inner var: 10


The code above defines a variable outer_var with the value of 5 and a closure closure that prints out the value of outer_var and inner_var. The inner_var is defined within the closure and is not accessible outside of it.

Relevant links

Rust Closures

Nested Closures in Rust

Rust Closure Syntax

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