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rustRust Web server example

Rocket is a web framework for Rust that makes it simple to write fast web applications without sacrificing flexibility or type safety.

fn index() -> &'static str {
    "Hello, world!"

Output example

Hello, world!

The code above is an example of a simple web server written in Rust using the Rocket framework. It defines a function called index that is triggered when a GET request is sent to the root path of the server. The function returns a string literal containing the text "Hello, world!" which is then sent back to the client.

Code parts:

  • #[get("/")] - This is an attribute macro that tells Rocket to call the index function when a GET request is sent to the root path of the server.
  • fn index() -> &'static str - This is the definition of the index function. It takes no arguments and returns a string literal.
  • "Hello, world!" - This is the string literal that is returned by the index function.

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