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sphinxsearchHow can I configure SphinxSearch to log to stdout?

SphinxSearch can be configured to log to stdout with the following steps:

  1. Open sphinx.conf in a text editor.
  2. Find the searchd section and add the following line:
    log = stdout
  3. Save and close sphinx.conf.
  4. Restart SphinxSearch with the --config option, e.g. searchd --config /etc/sphinx/sphinx.conf.

The output will then be written to stdout, e.g.

[Fri Jan 31 15:06:45.890 2020] [0] listening on all interfaces, port=9312
[Fri Jan 31 15:06:45.890 2020] [0] listening on all interfaces, port=9306
[Fri Jan 31 15:06:45.890 2020] [0] listening on all interfaces, port=9308
[Fri Jan 31 15:06:45.890 2020] [0] listening on all interfaces, port=9315
[Fri Jan 31 15:06:45.890 2020] [0] listening on all interfaces, port=9313
[Fri Jan 31 15:06:45.890 2020] [0] listening on all interfaces, port=9309

For more information, see the SphinxSearch documentation.

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