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sphinxsearchHow can I use SphinxSearch and Sngrl together to optimize search results?

SphinxSearch and Sngrl can be used together to optimize search results.

First, SphinxSearch should be used to create a full-text index of the data that needs to be searched. This index can then be used in conjunction with Sngrl to create a more powerful and accurate search query.

Example code for creating a full-text index using SphinxSearch:

index myindex
    type = rt
    path = /path/to/myindex
    rt_field = title
    rt_field = content
    rt_attr_uint = category
    rt_attr_timestamp = publish_date

This code will create a full-text index named "myindex" with the fields "title" and "content" as well as the attributes "category" and "publish_date".

Once the index is created, Sngrl can be used to create a more powerful search query. For example, the following query will search for documents with the words "cat" and "dog" in the title field and the category attribute equal to "2":

SELECT * FROM myindex
WHERE MATCH('@title cat @title dog')
AND @category = 2

Using SphinxSearch and Sngrl together can help to optimize search results by allowing more powerful search queries to be created.

Code explanation


  • index myindex - This creates an index named "myindex".
  • type = rt - This sets the type of index to "rt" which stands for real-time index.
  • path = /path/to/myindex - This sets the path for the index.
  • rt_field = title - This sets the "title" field as a real-time field.
  • rt_field = content - This sets the "content" field as a real-time field.
  • rt_attr_uint = category - This sets the "category" attribute as an unsigned integer.
  • rt_attr_timestamp = publish_date - This sets the "publish_date" attribute as a timestamp.
  • MATCH('@title cat @title dog') - This creates a full-text search query for the words "cat" and "dog" in the "title" field.
  • @category = 2 - This sets the "category" attribute to "2".

## Helpful links

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