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sphinxsearchHow can I use SphinxSearch to expand keywords?

SphinxSearch is a powerful open source search engine that can be used to expand keywords. It uses a special algorithm to look for related words and phrases to the input keywords. This can be useful for finding related topics and keywords to a given query.

Example code to expand keywords using SphinxSearch:

import sphinxapi

# Create a SphinxClient object
client = sphinxapi.SphinxClient()

# Set the keyword to expand
keyword = "sphinx"

# Get the related keywords
results = client.BuildExcerpts([keyword], "index", "search engine, open source")

# Print the related keywords

Output example

['<b>Sphinx</b> search engine', '<b>Sphinx</b> open source']

The code above does the following:

  1. Imports the sphinxapi library.
  2. Creates a SphinxClient object.
  3. Sets the keyword to expand.
  4. Gets the related keywords using the BuildExcerpts method.
  5. Prints the related keywords.

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