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sphinxsearchHow do I configure logging for SphinxSearch?

  1. First, you need to configure SphinxSearch to enable logging. This can be done by setting the log directive in the Sphinx configuration file. For example:
log = /var/log/sphinx/searchd.log
  1. You can also specify the log verbosity by setting the query_log directive. For example:
query_log = /var/log/sphinx/query.log
  1. You can also specify the log level by setting the log_level directive. For example:
log_level = warning

The available log levels are fatal, error, warning, info, debug, debugv, and debugvv.

  1. You can also specify the log format by setting the log_format directive. For example:
log_format = query

The available log formats are plain, sphinxql, and query.

  1. Once the configuration is complete, you can start the SphinxSearch daemon with the searchd command. For example:
searchd --config /etc/sphinx/sphinx.conf
  1. You can then view the log files to see the output of your searches. For example:
tail -f /var/log/sphinx/searchd.log
  1. You can also use a logging library such as log4cpp to customize the logging output.

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