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sphinxsearchHow do I configure SphinxSearch?

SphinxSearch is a powerful open source search engine that can be used to quickly locate information within a large data set. To configure SphinxSearch, you will need to create a configuration file and then use the searchd command to start the search daemon.

Example configuration file:

index test1
    source          = test1_src
    path            = /var/data/test1
    docinfo         = extern
    mlock           = 0
    morphology      = stem_en
    min_word_len    = 1
    charset_type    = utf-8
    charset_table   = 0..9, A..Z->a..z, _, a..z, U+A8->U+B8, U+B8->U+A8, U+C0..U+DF->U+E0..U+FF, U+E0..U+FF

    mem_limit       = 32M

    listen          = 9312
    log             = /var/log/searchd.log
    query_log       = /var/log/query.log
    read_timeout    = 5
    max_children    = 30
    pid_file        = /var/run/searchd.pid
    max_matches     = 1000
    seamless_rotate = 1
    preopen_indexes = 1
    unlink_old      = 1

Once the configuration file has been created, you can start the search daemon using the searchd command:

$ searchd --config /path/to/sphinx.conf

This will start the search daemon and it will be ready to accept search requests.

Code explanation

  • index: This section defines the index and its settings.
  • source: This is the name of the source from which the index will be built.
  • path: This is the path to the index data files.
  • docinfo: This specifies whether the index should store document information in the index file or in an external file.
  • mlock: This specifies whether the index should be locked in memory or not.
  • morphology: This specifies the type of morphology to be used for the index.
  • min_word_len: This specifies the minimum length of words that should be indexed.
  • charset_type: This specifies the character set type to be used for the index.
  • charset_table: This specifies the character set table to be used for the index.
  • indexer: This section defines the indexer and its settings.
  • mem_limit: This specifies the maximum amount of memory that the indexer should use.
  • searchd: This section defines the search daemon and its settings.
  • listen: This specifies the port on which the search daemon should listen for requests.
  • log: This specifies the path to the log file for the search daemon.
  • query_log: This specifies the path to the query log file for the search daemon.
  • read_timeout: This specifies the maximum amount of time the search daemon should wait for a request.
  • max_children: This specifies the maximum number of child processes that can be spawned by the search daemon.
  • pid_file: This specifies the path to the PID file for the search daemon.
  • max_matches: This specifies the maximum number of matches that should be returned by a search query.
  • seamless_rotate: This specifies whether the search daemon should rotate the index without interrupting the search process.
  • preopen_indexes: This specifies whether the search daemon should pre-open the indexes when it starts.
  • unlink_old: This specifies whether the search daemon should unlink the old index files after the index has been rotated.

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