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sphinxsearchHow do I configure SphinxSearch to use morphology?

In order to configure SphinxSearch to use morphology, you must first enable the morphology feature in the sphinx.conf configuration file. To do so, add the following line to the configuration file:

morphology = stem_en, soundex

This will enable the stem_en and soundex morphological processors, which will allow SphinxSearch to perform morphological analysis on text.

You must also specify a dictionary file for the morphological processor. To do so, add the following line to the configuration file:

morphology_dict = /path/to/dictionary.dict

This will enable the morphology processor to use the dictionary file located at /path/to/dictionary.dict.

Finally, you must specify the indexing mode for the morphological processor. To do so, add the following line to the configuration file:

morphology_index = stem_en

This will enable the stem_en morphological processor to be used for indexing.

Once these settings have been configured, SphinxSearch will be configured to use morphology.

Code explanation


  1. morphology = stem_en, soundex - This line enables the stem_en and soundex morphological processors, which will allow SphinxSearch to perform morphological analysis on text.

  2. morphology_dict = /path/to/dictionary.dict - This line specifies the dictionary file for the morphological processor.

  3. morphology_index = stem_en - This line specifies the indexing mode for the morphological processor.

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