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sphinxsearchHow do I connect to SphinxSearch?

To connect to SphinxSearch, you need to use the SphinxAPI. The SphinxAPI is a set of functions that allow you to connect to a Sphinx daemon and issue queries.

Below is an example of connecting to SphinxSearch using the SphinxAPI in PHP:

$s = new SphinxClient();
$s->setServer("localhost", 9312);

The code above creates a new SphinxClient object, sets the server connection parameters, and opens the connection.

The list below explains each part of the code:

  • $s = new SphinxClient();: Creates a new SphinxClient object.
  • $s->setServer("localhost", 9312);: Sets the host and port of the Sphinx server.
  • $s->setConnectTimeout(3);: Sets the connection timeout in seconds.
  • $s->open();: Opens the connection to the Sphinx server.

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