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sqliteHow do I create a backup of my SQLite database?

Creating a backup of your SQLite database is a simple process.

  1. First, open a terminal window and navigate to the directory where your database is located.
  2. Then, use the .backup command followed by the name of the backup file and the name of the database you wish to back up.
sqlite> .backup my_backup.db my_database.db
  1. This will create a backup of the database in the same directory, with the name you specified.
  2. You can also specify a path for the backup file, if you wish to save it in a different directory.
sqlite> .backup /home/user/my_backup.db my_database.db
  1. If the backup was successful, you should see the following message:
Backup completed in 0.063 seconds
  1. You can also use the .dump command to back up your database. This command will create a SQL script of your database, which can be used to re-create the database.
sqlite> .dump > my_backup.sql
  1. To restore the database from the backup, you can use the .read command.
sqlite> .read my_backup.sql

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