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sqliteHow do I retrieve the last insert ID in SQLite?

The last_insert_rowid() function can be used to retrieve the last insert ID in SQLite. This function is used to retrieve the rowid of the last row insert from the database connection which invoked the function.

Example code

INSERT INTO contacts (firstname, lastname) VALUES ('John', 'Doe');
SELECT last_insert_rowid();

Output example


The code above inserts a new row into the contacts table and then retrieves the rowid of the last row insert. In this case, the rowid is 1.

Code explanation

  • INSERT INTO: this is a SQL statement used to insert a row into a table
  • contacts: this is the name of the table
  • firstname and lastname: these are the column names of the table
  • VALUES: this is a keyword used to specify the values to be inserted
  • John and Doe: these are the values to be inserted
  • SELECT: this is a SQL statement used to select data from a table
  • last_insert_rowid(): this is the function used to retrieve the last insert ID

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