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sqliteHow do I format an SQLite database with version 3?

SQLite version 3 is a popular open source relational database system. Formatting an SQLite database with version 3 can be done using the SQL commands CREATE TABLE and INSERT INTO. The following example code block creates a database called 'mydb' and a table called 'mytable' with columns 'name' and 'age':

sqlite3 mydb.db
CREATE TABLE mytable (name TEXT, age INT);
INSERT INTO mytable (name, age) VALUES ('John', 25);
INSERT INTO mytable (name, age) VALUES ('Jane', 30);

The output of the above code should be:

sqlite> CREATE TABLE mytable (name TEXT, age INT);
sqlite> INSERT INTO mytable (name, age) VALUES ('John', 25);
sqlite> INSERT INTO mytable (name, age) VALUES ('Jane', 30);

Code explanation

  • sqlite3 mydb.db: This command creates the database file 'mydb.db'.
  • CREATE TABLE mytable (name TEXT, age INT): This command creates a table called 'mytable' with two columns, 'name' and 'age'.
  • INSERT INTO mytable (name, age) VALUES ('John', 25): This command inserts a row into the table with the values 'John' and 25 for the 'name' and 'age' columns, respectively.
  • INSERT INTO mytable (name, age) VALUES ('Jane', 30): This command inserts a row into the table with the values 'Jane' and 30 for the 'name' and 'age' columns, respectively.

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