tesseract-ocrHow do I install Tesseract OCR on my Mac?
To install Tesseract OCR on your Mac, follow these steps:
Install Homebrew:
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
Output: Homebrew is installed!
Install Tesseract OCR using Homebrew:
brew install tesseract
Output: Updating Homebrew... ==> Downloading https://homebrew.bintray.com/bottles/tesseract-4.1.1.catalina.bottle.tar.gz ==> Pouring tesseract-4.1.1.catalina.bottle.tar.gz ==> Caveats Please add the following to your .bash_profile: export TESSDATA_PREFIX=/usr/local/opt/tesseract/share/tessdata
Set Tesseract environment variable:
export TESSDATA_PREFIX=/usr/local/opt/tesseract/share/tessdata
Verify installation:
tesseract -v
Output: tesseract 4.1.1
Helpful links
More of Tesseract Ocr
- How can I use Python to get the coordinates of words detected by Tesseract OCR?
- How do I use Tesseract OCR with the command line?
- How can I use UiPath to implement Tesseract OCR language processing?
- How do I install Tesseract-OCR using Yum?
- How can I use Tesseract OCR with Xamarin Forms?
- How do I create a traineddata file for Tesseract OCR?
- How can I use Tesseract OCR with Xamarin?
- How do I set the Windows path for Tesseract OCR?
- How can I use Tesseract OCR with VBA?
- How do I install Tesseract OCR on Windows?
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