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tesseract-ocrHow do I use Tesseract OCR in a Docker container?

Using Tesseract OCR in a Docker container is a great way to quickly set up a Tesseract environment. Here's how to do it:

  1. Pull the official Tesseract OCR Docker image from Docker Hub:
docker pull tesseractshadow/tesseract4re
  1. Create a new Docker container from the image:
docker run -it --name tesseract-container tesseractshadow/tesseract4re
  1. Copy the image you want to OCR into the container:
docker cp my_image.jpg tesseract-container:/
  1. Use the tesseract command to OCR the image:
docker exec tesseract-container tesseract my_image.jpg output
  1. The output will be written to a text file named output.txt in the current directory.

  2. To retrieve the output file from the container, use the docker cp command:

docker cp tesseract-container:/output.txt .
  1. You can now read the contents of the output file.

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