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tesseract-ocrHow do I use the Tesseract OCR Box Editor to edit text?

The Tesseract OCR Box Editor is a tool used to edit text extracted from an image using Optical Character Recognition (OCR). It allows the user to manually correct any errors that the OCR process may have made.

To use the Tesseract OCR Box Editor, the user must first install Tesseract OCR. Once installed, the user can open the editor by running the following command in the terminal:

tesseract --psm 6 --oem 1 <input_image.jpg> <output_file.box>

This command will open the Tesseract OCR Box Editor and display an image of the input file. The user can then use the mouse or keyboard to manually edit any errors in the text.

The user can perform the following actions while using the Tesseract OCR Box Editor:

  • Select text - Select text by clicking and dragging the mouse cursor over the desired text.
  • Delete text - Delete text by pressing the delete key on the keyboard.
  • Insert text - Insert text by typing in the desired text.
  • Move text - Move text by clicking and dragging the mouse cursor over the desired text.

Once the user is finished editing the text, they can save the changes by pressing the “Save” button in the top right corner of the editor window.

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