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php-swiftmailerHow to access Swiftmailer logs?

Swiftmailer logs can be accessed by using the Swift_Plugins_Loggers_ArrayLogger class. This class allows you to log messages and errors that occur during the sending of emails.

Example code

$logger = new Swift_Plugins_Loggers_ArrayLogger();
$mailer->registerPlugin(new Swift_Plugins_LoggerPlugin($logger));

Output example


The code above registers the logger plugin with the mailer. After sending the email, the log messages can be accessed using the getMessages() method of the ArrayLogger class.

Example code

$logs = $logger->getMessages();

Output example

    [0] => Connection could not be established with host smtp.example.com [Connection timed out #110]
    [1] => Connection could not be established with host smtp.example.com [Connection timed out #110]
    [2] => Connection could not be established with host smtp.example.com [Connection timed out #110]
    [3] => Connection could not be established with host smtp.example.com [Connection timed out #110]
    [4] => Connection could not be established with host smtp.example.com [Connection timed out #110]

The getMessages() method returns an array of log messages. These messages can be used to debug any issues that may have occurred during the sending of emails.

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