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php-swiftmailerHow to send emails without encryption in SwiftMailer?

SwiftMailer can be used to send emails without encryption. To do this, you need to create a Swift_Message object and set the setEncryption method to null.

$message = new Swift_Message();

The code above will create a Swift_Message object and set the encryption to null.

To send the email, you need to create a Swift_Mailer object and call the send() method with the Swift_Message object as an argument.

$mailer = new Swift_Mailer();

The code above will create a Swift_Mailer object and send the email with the Swift_Message object.

Code explanation

  • Swift_Message: This is an object used to create an email message.
  • setEncryption(): This is a method used to set the encryption for the email message.
  • Swift_Mailer: This is an object used to send the email message.
  • send(): This is a method used to send the email message.

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