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php-swiftmailerHow to send multiple attachments with SwiftMailer?

SwiftMailer can be used to send multiple attachments with a single email. To do this, you need to create a Swift_Attachment object for each attachment and add it to the Swift_Message object.

Example code

// Create the message
$message = new Swift_Message();

// Create the attachment
$attachment1 = Swift_Attachment::fromPath('/path/to/file1.pdf');
$attachment2 = Swift_Attachment::fromPath('/path/to/file2.pdf');

// Add the attachments to the message

// Send the message

Output example

Message sent successfully

Code explanation

  1. $message = new Swift_Message(); - This creates a new Swift_Message object which will be used to send the email.

  2. $attachment1 = Swift_Attachment::fromPath('/path/to/file1.pdf'); - This creates a new Swift_Attachment object from the specified file path.

  3. $message->attach($attachment1); - This adds the attachment to the message.

  4. $mailer->send($message); - This sends the message with the attachments.

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