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rustExample of pointer offset in Rust

Pointer offset in Rust is a way to access a specific element in a data structure. It is done by adding an offset to a pointer. For example, if we have a pointer to the beginning of an array, we can add an offset to it to access a specific element in the array. To do this, we use the offset operator, which is written as &[offset]. For example, if we have an array of integers, we can access the third element by writing &[2]. The ## Code example below shows how to use pointer offset in Rust.

fn main() {
    let arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
    let ptr = &arr[0];
    let third_element = &ptr[2];
    println!("Third element is {}", third_element);

Output example:

Third element is 3


In the ## Code example, we first create an array of integers called arr. Then, we create a pointer to the beginning of the array using the & operator. We then use the offset operator &[offset] to access the third element in the array. Finally, we print out the third element using the println! macro.

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