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rustHow to convert struct to protobuf in Rust

Converting a struct to protobuf in Rust is done using the prost crate.

To convert a struct to protobuf, the struct must first be annotated with #[derive(Message)] and the fields must be annotated with #[prost(...)].

Example code

struct MyStruct {
    #[prost(int32, tag = "1")]
    my_field: i32,

The #[derive(Message)] annotation tells the compiler to generate code to serialize and deserialize the struct into protobuf. The #[prost(...)] annotation tells the compiler how to serialize and deserialize the field.

The generated code can then be used to convert the struct to protobuf:

let my_struct = MyStruct { my_field: 42 };
let mut buf = Vec::new();
my_struct.encode(&mut buf).unwrap();

The encode method serializes the struct into protobuf and writes it to the buf vector.

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