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rustHow to add second to time in Rust

Adding seconds to a time in Rust can be done using the add_secs method of the std::time::SystemTime struct. This method takes a u64 representing the number of seconds to add to the time.

Example code

use std::time::{SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH};

let start = SystemTime::now();
let ten_seconds_later = start.add_secs(10);

Output example

ten_seconds_later = SystemTime { tv_sec: 1599450090, tv_nsec: 845005050 }

Code explanation

  • use std::time::{SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH};: imports the SystemTime and UNIX_EPOCH structs from the std::time module.
  • let start = SystemTime::now();: creates a SystemTime object representing the current time.
  • let ten_seconds_later = start.add_secs(10);: adds 10 seconds to the start SystemTime object and stores the result in the ten_seconds_later variable.

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