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rustHow to convert timestamp to datetime in Rust

Converting a timestamp to a datetime in Rust can be done using the chrono crate.

Example code

use chrono::{DateTime, Utc};

let timestamp = 1589717600;
let datetime: DateTime<Utc> = Utc.timestamp(timestamp, 0);
println!("{}", datetime);

Output example


The code above uses the chrono crate to convert a timestamp to a datetime. The Utc type is used to represent a datetime in the UTC timezone. The timestamp method is then used to convert the timestamp to a DateTime type. Finally, the println! macro is used to print the datetime.

Parts of the code:

  • use chrono::{DateTime, Utc};: imports the DateTime and Utc types from the chrono crate.
  • let timestamp = 1589717600;: creates a variable to store the timestamp.
  • let datetime: DateTime<Utc> = Utc.timestamp(timestamp, 0);: converts the timestamp to a DateTime type in the UTC timezone.
  • println!("{}", datetime);: prints the datetime.

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