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rustHow to check if a Rust slice contains a certain value?

To check if a Rust slice contains a certain value, you can use the contains() method. This method takes a reference to the value you want to check for and returns a boolean value indicating whether the slice contains the value or not.

Example code

let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
let contains_three = numbers.contains(&3);

Output example


Code explanation

  • let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];: This line creates a slice of numbers.
  • let contains_three = numbers.contains(&3);: This line calls the contains() method on the numbers slice, passing in a reference to the value 3 as an argument.
  • true: This is the output of the code, indicating that the numbers slice contains the value 3.

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