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rustHow to do a for loop with index in Rust

A for loop with index in Rust can be used to iterate over a collection of items and access the index of each item. The enumerate() method can be used to get the index of each item in the collection.

Example code

let v = vec![10, 20, 30];

for (index, value) in v.iter().enumerate() {
    println!("Index: {}, Value: {}", index, value);

Output example

Index: 0, Value: 10
Index: 1, Value: 20
Index: 2, Value: 30

Code explanation

  • let v = vec![10, 20, 30];: This line creates a vector v with three elements.
  • for (index, value) in v.iter().enumerate(): This line starts a for loop that iterates over the vector v and assigns the index of each item to the variable index and the value of each item to the variable value.
  • println!("Index: {}, Value: {}", index, value);: This line prints the index and value of each item in the vector.

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