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rustHow to loop until error in Rust

Looping until an error occurs in Rust can be done using a loop and match statement. The loop statement will execute the code within its block until a break statement is encountered. The match statement is used to check the result of the code within the loop and break if an error is encountered.

loop {
    let result = do_something();
    match result {
        Ok(val) => println!("{}", val),
        Err(err) => {
            println!("Error: {}", err);

Output example

Error: Something went wrong

Code explanation

  • loop: Executes the code within its block until a break statement is encountered.
  • match: Checks the result of the code within the loop and break if an error is encountered.
  • Ok(val): If the result is successful, the value is printed.
  • Err(err): If the result is an error, the error is printed and the loop is broken.

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