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rustHow to get index in for loop in Rust

The for loop in Rust is used to iterate over a collection of items. It can be used to get the index of each item in the collection. To do this, the enumerate() method can be used. This method takes the collection as an argument and returns a tuple containing the index and the item.

Example code

let v = vec![10, 20, 30];

for (index, item) in v.enumerate() {
    println!("Index: {}, Item: {}", index, item);

Output example

Index: 0, Item: 10
Index: 1, Item: 20
Index: 2, Item: 30

Code explanation

  1. let v = vec![10, 20, 30]; - This line creates a vector containing the numbers 10, 20, and 30.
  2. for (index, item) in v.enumerate() - This line starts the for loop. The enumerate() method is used to get the index and item from the vector.
  3. println!("Index: {}, Item: {}", index, item); - This line prints the index and item for each iteration of the loop.

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