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rustHow to get pointer address in Rust

In Rust, you can get the address of a pointer by using the & operator. For example, if you have a pointer p pointing to a value x, you can get the address of p by using &p. The output of this expression will be a pointer to the address of p. You can also use the std::ptr::addr function to get the address of a pointer. This function takes a reference to a pointer and returns the address of the pointer. For example, if you have a pointer p pointing to a value x, you can get the address of p by using std::ptr::addr(&p). The output of this expression will be a pointer to the address of p.

let x = 10;
let p = &x;
let address = &p;
println!("The address of p is {:p}", address);

Output example

The address of p is 0x7ffc9f9f9f90


The let x = 10; statement creates a variable x with the value 10. The let p = &x; statement creates a pointer p pointing to the value x. The let address = &p; statement creates a pointer address pointing to the address of p. Finally, the println! statement prints the address of p using the {:p} format specifier.

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