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rustHow to get pointer to struct in Rust

In Rust, you can get a pointer to a struct by using the & operator. For example, if you have a struct called MyStruct, you can get a pointer to it by writing &MyStruct. This will return a pointer to the struct, which can then be used to access the fields of the struct. Additionally, you can use the Box type to create a pointer to a struct. This is done by writing Box::new(MyStruct), which will return a pointer to the struct. Finally, you can use the Rc type to create a reference-counted pointer to a struct. This is done by writing Rc::new(MyStruct), which will return a pointer to the struct.

Inline ## Code example:

let my_struct = MyStruct { ... };
let my_struct_ptr = &my_struct;
let my_struct_box = Box::new(my_struct);
let my_struct_rc = Rc::new(my_struct);

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