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rustHow to get struct length in Rust

Structs in Rust are collections of related data, similar to a class in other languages. To get the length of a struct, you can use the std::mem::size_of function.

use std::mem::size_of;

struct Person {
    name: String,
    age: u8

fn main() {
    let person = Person {
        name: String::from("John"),
        age: 30

    println!("Size of Person struct is {} bytes", size_of::<Person>());

Output example

Size of Person struct is 24 bytes

The code above uses the size_of function to get the size of the Person struct. The size_of function takes a type parameter, in this case Person, and returns the size of the struct in bytes.

Code explanation

  • use std::mem::size_of;: imports the size_of function from the std::mem module.
  • struct Person { ... }: defines a struct with two fields, name and age.
  • size_of::<Person>(): calls the size_of function with the Person type as a parameter.

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