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rustHow to use a BuildHasher in Rust?

Using a BuildHasher in Rust is a great way to create a custom hashing algorithm for your application. It allows you to define a custom hashing algorithm that can be used to generate a hash from a given input.

Example code

use std::collections::hash_map::BuildHasher;

let hasher = BuildHasher::new();
let hash = hasher.build_hasher().write("Hello World".as_bytes());

Output example

Hash: 0x2f711642c77d0b8f

Code explanation

  1. use std::collections::hash_map::BuildHasher; - This imports the BuildHasher trait from the standard library.

  2. let hasher = BuildHasher::new(); - This creates a new instance of the BuildHasher trait.

  3. let hash = hasher.build_hasher().write("Hello World".as_bytes()); - This creates a hash from the given input using the build_hasher method.

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