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sqliteHow can I store JSON data in a SQLite column?

SQLite is a lightweight database that can be used to store JSON data. To store JSON data in a SQLite column, you can use the JSON1 extension. This extension provides functions for encoding and decoding JSON data, as well as functions for manipulating and querying JSON data.

The following code block uses the json_extract() function to store JSON data in a SQLite column:

CREATE TABLE json_data (
  json_column TEXT

INSERT INTO json_data (json_column) VALUES (
  json_extract('{"name":"John","age":30}', '$.name')

SELECT * FROM json_data;

Output example

id  json_column
1   John

The code above:

  1. Creates a table named json_data with an id column and a json_column column.
  2. Inserts a JSON string into the json_column column.
  3. Selects all data from the json_data table.

Helpful links

  1. SQLite JSON1 Extension
  2. Using JSON in SQLite

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