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sqliteHow can I use PHP to query a SQLite database?

Using PHP to query a SQLite database is relatively easy. The following example code block will illustrate how to do this:

// Connect to the database
$db = new SQLite3('mydatabase.sqlite');
// Create a query
$query = "SELECT * FROM mytable";
// Execute the query
$result = $db->query($query);
// Loop through the results
while ($row = $result->fetchArray()) {
    echo "Name: " . $row['name'] . "<br />";
    echo "Age: " . $row['age'] . "<br />";

This code will output something like this:

Name: John Doe
Age: 33
Name: Jane Doe
Age: 28

This code consists of the following parts:

  1. $db = new SQLite3('mydatabase.sqlite'); - This part creates a connection to the SQLite database.
  2. $query = "SELECT * FROM mytable"; - This part creates a query that will select all data from the table mytable.
  3. $result = $db->query($query); - This part executes the query.
  4. while ($row = $result->fetchArray()) {...} - This part loops through the results of the query.
  5. echo "Name: " . $row['name'] . "<br />"; - This part prints out the name from the result.

For more information and examples on how to use PHP to query a SQLite database, please see the following links:

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