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sqliteHow can I use SQLite with Rust?

SQLite is a popular, lightweight, open-source SQL database that can be used with Rust. To use SQLite with Rust, you need to install the sqlx crate.

sqlx = "0.3.2"

Once installed, you can use the sqlx crate to connect to an SQLite database, execute queries, and perform other database operations.

use sqlx::sqlite::SqlitePool;

async fn main() -> Result<(), sqlx::Error> {
    let pool = SqlitePool::builder()

    let row = sqlx::query!("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?")

    println!("{:?}", row);


The code above will connect to an SQLite database, execute a query to select a row from the users table, and print the row.

  1. use sqlx::sqlite::SqlitePool; - imports the SqlitePool type from the sqlx crate.
  2. SqlitePool::builder() - creates a new connection pool builder.
  3. .max_size(5) - sets the maximum size of the connection pool.
  4. .build("sqlite://./my.db") - builds the connection pool using the provided URL.
  5. sqlx::query!("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?") - creates a query that will select a row from the users table.
  6. .bind(1) - binds the value 1 to the query.
  7. .fetch_one(&pool) - executes the query using the connection pool.
  8. println!("{:?}", row); - prints the selected row.

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