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sqliteHow do I decide between using SQLite and PostgreSQL for my software development project?

When deciding between SQLite and PostgreSQL for a software development project, the following considerations should be taken into account:

  1. Functionality: SQLite is a serverless, transactional SQL database engine, while PostgreSQL is an object-relational database management system. PostgreSQL provides more advanced features such as triggers, stored procedures, and views, which may be necessary for more complex projects.

  2. Scalability: SQLite is suitable for small-scale applications, while PostgreSQL is better for large-scale applications.

  3. Performance: SQLite is generally faster than PostgreSQL, but PostgreSQL can handle more concurrent connections.

  4. Data Security: Both SQLite and PostgreSQL provide data security features such as encryption and authentication.

  5. Cost: SQLite is open source and free, while PostgreSQL is more expensive.

  6. Example Code:

// SQLite
import sqlite3

conn = sqlite3.connect('example.db')

c = conn.cursor()

c.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS stocks (date text, trans text, symbol text, qty real, price real)")


  1. Relevant Links:

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