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sqliteHow do I use regular expressions to query a SQLite database?

Regular expressions can be used in SQLite queries to perform powerful pattern matching. The LIKE operator is used to match a string against a pattern. For example, the following SQLite statement will return all rows where the column name starts with the letter 'A':

SELECT * FROM table WHERE name LIKE 'A%';

The % operator is a wildcard that matches any number of characters. Other operators that can be used in regular expressions are _ which matches any single character, [...] which matches any single character that is enclosed in the brackets, and [^...] which matches any single character that is not enclosed in the brackets.

The REGEXP operator can also be used to match a string against a regular expression pattern. For example, the following SQLite statement will return all rows where the column name contains the letter 'A':

SELECT * FROM table WHERE name REGEXP '.*A.*';

Code explanation

  • LIKE operator: Used to match a string against a pattern.
  • % operator: Wildcard that matches any number of characters.
  • _ operator: Matches any single character.
  • [...] operator: Matches any single character that is enclosed in the brackets.
  • [^...] operator: Matches any single character that is not enclosed in the brackets.
  • REGEXP operator: Used to match a string against a regular expression pattern.

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