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sqliteHow do I use an online viewer to view a SQLite database?

  1. To view a SQLite database with an online viewer, you will first need to convert the database to a CSV file. This can be done using the sqlite3 command line tool. For example:
$ sqlite3 mydatabase.sqlite
sqlite> .mode csv
sqlite> .output mydatabase.csv
sqlite> SELECT * FROM mytable;
sqlite> .quit
  1. Once you have the CSV file, you can use an online viewer such as Datapane to view the data. Simply upload the CSV file to Datapane and it will create an interactive table with search, sorting, and filtering capabilities.

  2. Alternatively, you can use an online SQLite database viewer such as SQLite Viewer. This allows you to upload the SQLite database file directly and view the data in a tabular format.

  3. You can also use an online SQL editor such as SQL Fiddle to view the data. Simply create a new SQLite database and upload your SQLite database file. You can then write SQL queries to view the data.

Code explanation

  • sqlite3 command line tool: Used to convert the SQLite database to a CSV file.
  • Datapane: Online viewer used to view the data in a CSV file.
  • SQLite Viewer: Online viewer used to view the data in a SQLite database file.
  • SQL Fiddle: Online SQL editor used to write SQL queries and view the data in a SQLite database file.
  1. List of ## Helpful links

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