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sqliteHow do I use variables in a SQLite database?

Variables can be used in SQLite databases by using the PRAGMA command. This command allows you to set and retrieve variables within the database.

For example, to set the temp_store variable to MEMORY:

PRAGMA temp_store = MEMORY;

To retrieve the current value of the temp_store variable:

PRAGMA temp_store;

Output example


The PRAGMA command can also be used to set and retrieve other variables such as synchronous, foreign_keys, journal_mode, and cache_size.

Code explanation

  1. PRAGMA command - used to set and retrieve variables within the database
  2. temp_store - variable used to set the store mode for temporary tables
  3. MEMORY - store mode for temporary tables

Helpful links

  1. https://www.sqlite.org/pragma.html
  2. https://www.techonthenet.com/sqlite/pragma.php

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