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phpunitHow to use the PHPUnit Framework ExceptionWrapper?

PHPUnit Framework ExceptionWrapper is a utility class that helps to wrap exceptions thrown by the code under test. It provides a convenient way to catch and verify exceptions.

Example code

try {
    // code that throws an exception
} catch (Exception $e) {
    $wrapper = new PHPUnit_Framework_ExceptionWrapper($e);
    // do something with the wrapper

The code above will catch any exception thrown by the code under test and wrap it in a PHPUnit_Framework_ExceptionWrapper object. This object can then be used to verify the exception, for example:

$this->assertEquals('My expected exception message', $wrapper->getMessage());

The PHPUnit_Framework_ExceptionWrapper class provides the following methods:

  • getMessage(): Returns the exception message
  • getCode(): Returns the exception code
  • getFile(): Returns the file name where the exception was thrown
  • getLine(): Returns the line number where the exception was thrown
  • getTrace(): Returns the stack trace
  • getPrevious(): Returns the previous exception

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