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rustHow do I pass a variable as an argument to a function in Rust?

Passing a variable as an argument to a function in Rust is done by using the & operator. This operator allows the function to borrow the variable, rather than taking ownership of it.


fn main() {
    let x = 5;

fn print_value(value: &i32) {
    println!("The value is {}", value);

Output example

The value is 5

The code above passes the variable x to the function print_value by using the & operator. This allows the function to borrow the variable, rather than taking ownership of it.

Code explanation

  • let x = 5;: This declares a variable x with the value 5.
  • print_value(x);: This passes the variable x to the function print_value.
  • fn print_value(value: &i32): This declares the function print_value which takes a parameter value of type i32 and borrows it.
  • println!("The value is {}", value);: This prints the value of the parameter value.

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